Let's hear from our Work Experience students from ELATT


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During August, Mobius hosted two students from ELATT college for work experience. Rashid and Adnan, both from East London, have been studying business administration. Established as a charity, ELATT aims to inspire people to achieve the skills they need to flourish in life and work. We asked them to keep a diary while they were with us. Here’s an edit of what they had to say:

Rashid: I enjoyed my 4 weeks of work experience with Mobius. Mobius is a PR, marketing and printing agency for theatres, based in Holborn. I worked every Tuesday from 10:30-5:30. Before I arrived at my placement, I had a little idea of what I will be doing. It was a great opportunity for me to get experience on how it will be working in an office environment. Before my first day I met with the PR Director Elin and Distribution and Print Coordinator Isobel to talk about what route I want to take and what I want to do in the next 5 years. We also talked what kind of company Mobius is.

Adnan: I was greeted by Elin and showed around the office, and I met Isobel and I met the Managing Director Richard Fitzmaurice. The staff were very welcoming and friendly when I went there in my first week. I was then handed some tasks to do. My first task was to put press nights they had for upcoming theatre shows on to a Google calendar. The second task was to do some research about Edinburgh Festival and also theatre. This was a good way to develop my research skills. The first day was using my knowledge and understanding on how the company runs and what kind of admin work they do. It made me to get some ideas of what expectations they have for me.

Rashid: Elin wanted me to take a phone call so that I am familiar of what I must do when a call comes. It’s a good way to improve my communication skills. Overall it was a good second week at Mobius learning lots of different things helping me develop my skills for the future.

Adnan: My second task from Elin was to create a spreadsheet and to input data on how many receipts Elin has. I input all the information on what she bought and spent by doing this I could manage this spreadsheet and keep control of it and update it when needed.

Rashid: On my third week I met with Rosie who is an Account Manager. I was given a number of tasks that were set by Elin. The first task was to research the latest news about theatres this will help me develop my researching skills, it helps you understand more on what you are looking for and what the company are looking for.

Adnan: In my third week my second task was to look for boxes of printed leaflets which had been delivered to Mobius and write on the boxes what shows they are with a black marker pen so the distributor person knows which leaflet he has to take out and send them out to people.

Rashid: The final week I had different tasks to do. I had to go through magazines and circle any interesting events happening. After I finished the task, I was told to look for the latest Edinburgh Fringe news and send them to Elin to have a look at. I was told to use Microsoft Excel to make a table with all the expenses spent. I had to research some shows for the latest reviews and news about them. I had to do more research about the E8 Fringe First Award.

It was a great 4 weeks at Mobius Industries I have learned a lot on how the company runs what work they do and roles for each staff. The staff was great and helpful. The experience at Mobius has helped me develop my skills for when I am working in an office in the future.

Adnan: In my fourth week at Mobius, when I arrived, I met the full team in the workplace. They were all friendly and approachable people and helped me think about what career path I want to take in the future. The first task I had was to research on theatre shows that were latest on the internet. My research skills have improved because I do this every time when I arrive at Mobius. This was interesting for me because I like to navigate and explore what theatre shows are theirs on the internet. After that I had to fill out a Microsoft Word document, typing the press night and press contact for each show. This task was new to me and I managed to do it by myself.

In conclusion, 4 weeks of Mobius Industries was great, and I have learned a lot and skills and I am able to know how the business environment works and how it completes its objectives to high standard. Generally, the skills I have developed may be needed in my future when I work in another office. It has helped me lot and to think about what I am interested in and what career can be suitable for me in the future.

For more information about ELATT visit https://www.elatt.org.uk/


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